Monthly Archives: September 2013

Amazing apple pie!


I just made the most wonderful apple pie.  The last pie I made was really awful so this is really exciting! The last pie I made was a sour cherry pie which should have been great as the cherries were so fresh and juicy, but the dough was really difficult to work with and the crust turned out both tough and crumbly at the same time if you can imagine. This time I tried a different method and I made a thin gluten free pie crust for the base and then I used my apple crisp topping as the top crust, more like a crumble pie. This turned out to be the perfect solution. Be sure to check out the complete recipe in the desserts section.

It’s apple season!

The fall arrived so quickly!  It was 32 degrees c. and then a week later it was 12 degrees. It’s taking me a long time to adjust to this suddenly cold weather.  But the apples are loving it! They need those cold and crisp nights to give them that nice red colour.  And they’re huge this year!

Gala 2013

This is a gala apple that weighed out at 1 pound.  It’s been a great year for growing!